Lost Places - Chornobyl Zone

Pripyat, Chornobyl area and other abandoned places

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Radar Station near of Chornobyl

Radar Station near of Chornobyl

Position Radar station in suburb of Chornobyl

Its not difficult to get on the former position of Radar station near Chernobyl... The main thing – to know, where it is :). It is situated very close to road Chornobyl - Pripyat, at the left, at once behind a crossroads of Korogod - Paryshiv. Pair of steps on a roadside - and we are on a place.


After a campaign on a reception position of OTH-Radar Chornobyl-2, we with Sergey come back to Chornobyl where the radiologist of the “Ecocenter” Denis Vishnevsky joins us. And here already we together walk across Chornobyl.

For today we planned one more purpose: the rests of military Radar station on northern suburb of a city. But, unfortunately, Sergey needs to come back in a Slavutich. We with Denis drive him to the station Semihody and we come back to Chornobyl.


Its not difficult to get on the former position of Radar station near Chornobyl... The main thing – to know, where it is :). It is situated very close to road Chornobyl - Pripyat, at the left, at once behind a crossroads of Korogod - Paryshiv. Pair of steps on a roadside - and we are on a place.

1. A check point 2. A bath-house 3. The central avenue
Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar

3. Evident propaganda near a parade-ground.

Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar

4. Barracks.

Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar

5. A dining room.

Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar

7. A warehouse and a bombproof shelter.
In a warehouse among bringing down shelvings and empty boxes from spare parts, old "military" tube-lamps in metal cases come across. Such technics, in difference from semiconductors, is not afraid of radiation :)

Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar

8. Here is the rests of locator P-14 "Lena". And the underground bunker, for its equipment.

Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar Chornobyl's Radar

We stand with Denis on the very brink of a position. We clamber on top of half buried tank (fuel for diesel engine-generator of Radar station. In the western direction, the remarkable view opens. "It is the well-known Chornobyl lea lands! Them are visible even from space" - said Denis. The sun hides for horizon, light day has come to an end and I with some simplification hide a camera in a bag. For today – that’s all. On overgrown avenue we go back to road. From seen and heard for a today, I feel a bit weariness.

Chornobyl, street Shkolnaya (School), state enterprise "Ecocenter". Denis treats me coffee in the office and tells about vipers, old Chernobyl cemeteries and spectrometer laboratory... Outdoors has already darkened. For me its time to prepare for a way back...

Chornobyl's Radar

20.30 I am in the centre of, shining evening fires and inutile advertising Kiev, but somewhere, only in 120 kilometres from here, there is a small "state", by name the Zone. With its capital, laws, traditions. There time, having stopped twenty one year ago, and could not come to the senses and continue the run in a correct direction. There cars the particular licence plates, and all people, completely not military, put on themselves camouflage "national suits". They live and work in thrown other's houses, and have dinner not in "fast foods" or restaurants, but in "dining rooms" with “coupons". And somewhere in the heart of this country, not far from the stopped atomic power station with world-wide and notorious name, in an environment of pine wood there is a huge masterpiece of engineering-design thought - rusty, hundred fifty metre heights, the military aerial. The inheritance of nonexistent army of the nonexistent country.


Huge gratitude for the organization of a trip and support to: 

S.Paskevich, D.Vishnevsky (state enterprise "Ecocenter").


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Die Sperrzone von Tschornobyl

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